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Related News: Widen Your Margins Early in the Year

Widen Your Margins Early in the Year

Going into a new crop year, you need some early wins, and February gives you the perfect chance to do that. How? By locking in lower fertilizer prices while also contracting some of your new-crop bushels in spring markets—typically some of the best of the year. With this combination—like playing both defense and offense—you can…

2019 Grain Markets: Planning is Imperative

It was a challenging 2018. The year started with positive news: projections of record soy demand and weather issues in Argentina. But then we had a perfect storm: a trade war, a better-than-expected South American crop, and another huge U.S. harvest. Mid-summer saw a dramatic drop in commodity prices that’s still trying to recover. When…

How to Approach Your 2019 Grain Marketing

Ready for some good news for a change? This was a challenging year for markets, but if seasonal trends hold true, we may have weathered the weakest months. Opportunities have come around again to jump on spring prices for some of your 2019 crop. Because stronger markets typically happen early in the crop year when…

Take Control of Your 2019 Grain Marketing

A record harvest along with lingering trade uncertainty have weighed on markets. But as you continue to farm, there’s one thing you have to fall back on: discipline—doing the right things, step by step. It’s not too early to estimate 2019 acreage and yield, then sketch out a preliminary grain marketing plan. By planning now,…

How to Evaluate Your 2018 Grain Marketing

With harvest underway, hopefully your 2018 grain marketing plan is still in place, guiding you on whether to sell or store the extra bushels in this large harvest. Successful businesses continually review their wins and losses so they can move forward with a better plan. We take up the challenge of evaluating your grain marketing…

Need Cash at Harvest? Don’t Surrender Upside

With cash rents, repair bills, and other expenses coming due, you may be anxious to sell some of your harvest grain. But a cash-only sale has a drawback: you walk away from potential upside in the market. And storing that grain has its own risks. Now there are two alternatives. Here to walk through two…

When to Adjust Your Grain Marketing Plan

There’s a fine line between staying flexible in your grain marketing and acting on a hunch. Learn the difference from Dale Jackson and Jim Sibbel, ADM representatives who work with grain producers to navigate challenging markets. In Episode 4 of ADM’s In the Driver’s Seat podcast, Sibbel and Jackson discuss the right reasons to adjust your…

Market Your New Crop Around Price Targets

By now, you know your 2018 input costs, and have price targets for your corn and soybeans. But can you realistically capture them in these markets? Yes, say two guests on Episode 3 of In the Driver’s Seat, our grain marketing podcast. ADM reps Danny Pfoff and Justin Newman share how they’ve helped farmers capitalize on…

In the Driver’s Seat: Four Farm Risk Management Principles

In this farm economy, it’s hard to feel like you have any power over the revenue side of your operation. But now more than ever, it’s crucial to take charge of decisions that drive profitability. So we’re launching a five-part conversation series, “In the Driver’s Seat: Staying in Control of Your Grain Marketing.” We’ll cover…

Four Tactics During Uncertain Markets

Let’s face it. The recent USDA reports have been a jolt to reality. Given some early adverse growing conditions, just about everyone expected a yield decline to set off a market run. Instead, projections on corn and soybean yields are higher than expected, deflating optimism for a price rally across the country. Nate Brabec, my…