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Displaying 53 results for "Cash Bids"


Need Cash at Harvest? Don’t Surrender Upside

With cash rents, repair bills, and other expenses coming due, you may be anxious to sell some of your harvest grain. But a cash-only sale has a drawback: you walk away from potential upside in the market. And storing that grain has its own risks. Now there are two alternatives. Here to walk through two…

Why the Optimism of Next-Generation Producers?

Results from the 2017 U.S. Census of Agriculture have been published, and the picture of farming is changing. There are over 321,000 producers under the age of 35, and that ratio is growing as older generations pass on management of their farms. The USDA report says, “Farms with young producers making decisions tend to be…

Top 5 Steps to Successfully Analyze Farm Performance

Measurement is the key to performance evaluation, and targeted benchmarks will provide a built-in pathway to knowing whether you’re meeting, exceeding, or falling short of your goals. So, what are the main ways to successfully analyze farm performance? Consider these top-five steps: 1) Establish and track profit per acre and/or breakeven production Among the key…

Get Cash While Preserving Upside

Many farming operations need cash in the fall and spring. According to ADM Grain Origination Specialist Glenn Menke, the trick is paying bills without surrendering market upside on the grain you deliver. “During harvest, you’ve got high fuel costs, fall-applied fertilizer and anhydrous, final fall rent payments, and maybe some real estate taxes,” says Menke.…

Take Initiative to Make Online Grain Offers and Fertilizer Bids

It’s a key time of year for your grain marketing. Your bins may be full and you’d prefer to sell before spring fieldwork has you completely occupied. It may also be a good time to contract some 2017 bushels. You’re in full gear-up mode transitioning your farm from one crop year to the next. Wouldn’t…

Four Tactics During Uncertain Markets

Let’s face it. The recent USDA reports have been a jolt to reality. Given some early adverse growing conditions, just about everyone expected a yield decline to set off a market run. Instead, projections on corn and soybean yields are higher than expected, deflating optimism for a price rally across the country. Nate Brabec, my…
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