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Related News: Fifth-Generation Farmer’s Mission to Promote Mental Health is Deeply Personal

Fifth-Generation Farmer’s Mission to Promote Mental Health is Deeply Personal

If you’re a consumer of ag media, then you may have heard the name Liz Hulsizer. She’s a devoted advocate for mental health awareness and accessibility in rural America. An ADM grain origination specialist and a fifth-generation farmer, Liz and her husband Matt have made it their purpose to get people in rural America talking…

Plan Your Profit for 2023

With the turn of the calendar, we’re off to a new year and working toward new goals. Coming into 2023, crop prices are historically strong, but input prices remain elevated as well. Each year sets up differently as far as a profitable grain marketing plan is concerned. That’s why now is a good time to…

A Bright Future for Soybean Demand

You’ve probably heard of renewable diesel, but what you may not know is how it could potentially influence the soybean market in the future. Demand is booming for this alternative fuel, and its effects are being felt across the markets for soybeans and soy products. Renewable diesel is fundamentally different from biodiesel, which has been…

Soybean Price Seasonality Creates Opportunity

As planters take to the fields across the northern hemisphere, soybean prices remain elevated on a historical basis (Chart 1) despite projections for an increase in planted acres. This creates opportunities for producers to forward price this year’s crop at profitable levels. Chart 1 – 10-year nearby soybean price Source: But when to sell?…

Be in a Position for Opportunity, Whichever Direction the Market Moves

Following two strong seasons for corn, soybean and wheat prices, marketers are looking nervously ahead to the 2023 season due to recent market turns. Prices have been high and traditionally this has led to increased production. But there’s uncertainty whether prices will remain elevated or begin to slide based on increasing global supplies. Either way,…

New ADM Video Follows Fertilizer Journey from Source to Soil

While there are plenty of obstacles impacting the price and availability of fertilizer, crop nutrition products are produced and transported 24/7, 365 days per year to meet farmers’ needs. A new video released by ADM goes behind the scenes of the complex fertilizer journey and explores how key crop nutrients, like monoammonium phosphate (MAP), are…

What can the dollar tell you about the future of corn and soybean prices?

Commodity prices take their direction from many factors. One price influence that is often misunderstood is the strength of the U.S. dollar. Historically, when the dollar is stronger, commodity prices are weaker. And vice versa. It’s typically an inverse relationship. This is because major commodities around the world are priced in dollars. When the dollar…

A New Year’s Resolution for Crop Insurance

Every growing season has its own set of challenges, and 2023 is likely to be no exception. Prices for grain and oilseeds are strong coming into the year, but high input prices are likely to continue to press farm profitability. In addition, industry projections for 2023 farm income are not as rosy as in the…

Higher corn prices continue but for how long?

Following a strong two-year run, corn futures remain near the upper end of their historical price range. To protect these prices, producers can utilize a contract like the ASP to forward price a percentage of expected production during a seasonally strong time of year. By taking advantage of an ASP contract, you will benefit from:…

Fifth-Generation Southern Illinois Producer Works Smarter to Succeed

Location is everything in real estate, and it certainly plays a significant role in farming as well. Located two hours south of some of the best soil in the world, Habbe Farms of Nashville, Illinois, isn’t blessed with such productive ground. But its location near river terminals in St. Louis helps deliver a premium price…