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Related News: Prepare for Typically Better Market Months

Prepare for Typically Better Market Months

It’s hard to believe another harvest is nearly in the books, Thanksgiving’s upon us, and winter is around the corner. If you aren’t already, you’ll soon be planning inputs for your 2018 crop. In this farm economy, spending can be stressful. A few forward marketing moves now can reduce the anxiety of new-crop expenses as…

Thinking About Tariffs — Kevin Van Trump

by Kevin Van Trump (with permission) May 13, 2019 From my perspective and many others, farmers have certainly taken the brunt of the hit associated with current trade negotiations. Yes, in the end farmers could be the biggest winner, but some are worried they won’t be able to hold their breath long enough to see…

ADM Highlights New Mobile Technology, Products and Services at 2017 Farm Progress Show

New offerings aim to help farmers “keep their business on track” DECATUR, Ill., Aug. 22, 2017—Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) will showcase a variety of new products, services and mobile technology designed to help farmers “keep their business on track” at this year’s 64th annual Farm Progress Show, Aug. 29-31, in Decatur, Illinois. Farm…

How to Cut Through the Ag Technology Hype

Every day, it seems there’s a new gadget that promises to help you farm—and they keep on coming. Last year alone, there were a record 580 investment deals betting money on the next tech device or computer program.1 As a producer, how do you weed through all the options for those worth your time and…

A Better Way to Manage Farm Budgets and Risk (Updated)

Your operation has many financial moving parts, from input and land costs to projected yields and crop insurance—and they’re all connected. A change in one factor changes your whole outlook, yet recalculating with manual methods can take hours. (Learn more about farm financial planning in Episode 2 of our podcast, In the Driver’s Seat.) To…

Capture Seasonally Better Prices for Your Soybeans

Watching spring soybean markets, hoping positive price trends will last? Then you’ll be interested in an Average Seasonal Price contract that ADM is offering now through May 19. ASP™ helps you capture what is typically a June and July seasonally beneficial time frame to market new crop soybeans, based on the past 10 years of…

Plan Before You Plant: Spring Markets Won’t Wait

You’ve purchased inputs, your fuel tanks are full, and you’re ready to roll. In just days, you’ll be planting. But have you really prepared for a new crop year? Not without a marketing plan. A few hours of planning now will pay off later—maybe a lot. To help in the next crucial days, here are…

Get Ready for Potential Market Volatility on March 31

With a warmer-than-average winter across much of the U.S., you’re probably itching to get to the field. But don’t blow past an important date for the grain markets on March 31. That’s the day the USDA will release its Prospective Plantings report for 2017. Every year the report tends to provide direction to the market—up…

Take Initiative to Make Online Grain Offers and Fertilizer Bids

It’s a key time of year for your grain marketing. Your bins may be full and you’d prefer to sell before spring fieldwork has you completely occupied. It may also be a good time to contract some 2017 bushels. You’re in full gear-up mode transitioning your farm from one crop year to the next. Wouldn’t…