Grain Marketing Guidance Archive

Talking, Learning, Sharing for Mutual Benefits

March 3, 2025

Growers learn from other growers. Emmanuel Bankston, Climate-Smart Manager for ADM Golden Peanut Company, says speaking with growers on their farms helps him understand their challenges and successes. Plus, as a farmer himself, he sees firsthand how regenerative ag

Time Stamp Your Grain Marketing Plan

February 13, 2025

Time-stamped grain marketing is a tool for mitigating risk and planning for profit. By selling portions of your crop at intervals throughout the year, you may increase your chances of encountering favorable market conditions. Hugo VanRoessel, ADM Area Sales

Faces of Food: Connected to Consumers, Advocating for Agriculture

January 13, 2025

At one time, farms sold directly to consumers, building relationships and understanding. Today, however, farms are most often removed from interaction with consumers. Georgia producer Donald Chase believes opportunities are missed because agriculture is not as connected to consumers

What Can Forward Marketing Do for Your Operation?

December 9, 2024

Historical trends in the market make a strong case for forward selling. While there have been exceptions, history generally supports forward marketing. Since 2000, early crop-year futures have outperformed harvest prices by 79% of the time for corn and

Faces of Food: Full-time Farming with a Full-time Job

November 20, 2024

Howard Hodge Jr. has been working on his farm in northern Florida since he was six years old. Even after he earned his degree and got a full-time job off the farm, he continued to put in long hours

A New Take on an Old Grain

November 19, 2024

Name a crop you can market through ADM that’s been around forever, takes fewer inputs to grow, and makes a nice addition to a crop rotation. The answer is grain sorghum – aka milo. Milo is considered an “ancient

ADM’s Faces of Food Heads South for Season 4

November 13, 2024

Filmed in late June under the hot summer sun, Faces of Food Season 4 features three growers from Georgia, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle who raise everything from livestock to peanuts to sweet corn. “We’ve had a strong Midwest

Navigating the Storm: Expert Insights on the Current Farm Economy

September 23, 2024

As the US farm economy grapples with unprecedented challenges, producers find themselves at a crossroads, with dwindling options and growing uncertainty. Producers and economists alike are concerned about the outlook for the US farm economy. The recent downturn in

How to Leverage Offers

August 20, 2024

“By taking emotion out of the sale, an offer is a good way to make sure you cross that goal line.” -Matthew Kroes, ADM Account Manager   When it comes to keeping your farm’s balance sheet in the black,