In the Driver’s Seat Podcast
A podcast for grain producers on managing financial risk.
In the Driver’s Seat Podcast
A podcast for grain producers on managing financial risk.
Even though ADM is no longer producing In The Driver’s Seat, you can still listen to all of the episodes we produced. You’ll discover important topics ranging from grain marketing, crop insurance, fertilizer, mental health, women in ag, and other discussions relevant to today’s producers. We hope you’ll find information and principles you can apply to your business. Thanks for listening.
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All Episodes
Episode 49: Farewell to In the Driver’s Seat Podcast
The ADM hosts reflect on special episodes, guests and moments from over the years in this final episode. They also introduce Shift, a new, interactive learning course for producers.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Episode 48: Ag Chatter: Deciphering the Grain Market Report
Jacqueline Holland, grain market analyst from Farm Futures, discusses top factors that drove grain and oilseed market activity in 2021, and she puts her knowledge of industry lingo to the test.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guest: Jacqueline Holland, Grain Market Analyst, Farm Futures
Episode 47: Conduct a SWOT Analysis to Chart a Direction for Your Farm Business
Jim Versweyveld, a Farm Management outreach specialist for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension, discusses the merits of a SWOT analysis as part of strategic planning for farming businesses.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guest: Jim Versweyveld, Farm Management Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension
Episode 46: The 4-Hs of Harvest
South Dakota-based Grain Origination Specialist Kallie Schade covers the 4-Hs (Homework, Highs, Hurdles and Humor) of harvest based on her experience working with farmers and marrying one.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guest: Kallie Schade, Grain Origination Specialist
Episode 45: The Rise of Women in Agriculture: Planting their Own Paths
Prairie Farmer Editor Holly Spangler reflects on family farm life, covering the agriculture industry, and the rise of female producers over the last decade.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guests: Holly Spangler, Editor, Prairie Farmer Magazine, and Family Farmer
Episode 44: Navigating Corn and Soybean Markets
ADM’s Dean Durdan shares insights about the factors governing grain prices in an especially volatile year.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guests: Dean Durdan, General Manager of Risk, ADM Carbohydrate Solutions
Episode 43: Ag Mental Health: The Most Valuable Asset on any Farm are the People
Dr. Nick Weshinskey from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine talks about educating the ADM grain origination team to recognize signs of mental strain in farmers and ways to offer support.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guests:Dr. Nick Weshinskey, Faculty Member, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Paul Ruholl, Central Illinois Grain Origination Team, ADM
Elizabeth Mitsdarffer, Central Illinois Grain Origination Team, ADM
Episode 42: Calculate the Best Fertilizer Strategy for your Operation
Listen and learn about new tools including the ADM Fertilizer Calculator and ADM Fertilizer Portal, their key features, and the optimal time to compare prices and purchase crop nutrients.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guests: Jake Niederer, Director, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Ashley Duehn, Territory Manager, ADM Fertilizer
Zach Jans, Territory and Origination Sales Manager, ADM Fertilizer
Episode 41: Watch for Signals in the Grain Market
ADM Territory Manager Bernie Spindler shares his personal approach to grain marketing as a family farmer while leveraging his professional insights into market trends as a core member of the ADM Market Signals team.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guests: Bernie Spindler, Territory Manager and Market Signals Team Member, ADM
Episode 40: Kick Off Your 2021 With These 5 Tips
The five most played episodes of In the Driver’s Seat in 2020 covered markets, mental health, fertilizer, sustainable agriculture and using the offer system as a grain marketing tool.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Product Line Marketing Manager, ADM
Emily Lacina, Crop Insurance Product Line Manager, ADM
Guests: Jessica Alderson, Territory and Origination Manager for ADM, Nebraska
Jason Medows, Host of Ag State of Mind podcast, Cow-Calf Operator and Healthcare Professional
Todd Harman, Regional Manager for ADM, Kansas
Michelle French, Corporate Sustainability Manager for ADM and Board Member for Field to Market
Matt Kroes, Grain Origination Specialist for ADM, Southern Indiana/Northern Kentucky
Episode 39: New Year: A Toast to Your Grain Marketing and Crop Insurance Plan
There will be a lot of grain marketing opportunities on the table in 2021. One area where farmers can capture more upside is through new crop insurance products coming on the market.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guests: Jon Scheets, National Sales Manager, Crop Risk Services, Brian Wiggins, Crop Risk Specialist, ADM
Episode 38: Tackling 5 Common Grain Marketing Mistakes
Leaning on three decades of historical data, grain marketing expert Ed Usset shares some common mistakes that farmers can overcome to create a winning grain marketing strategy for their operation.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guests: Ed Usset, Grain Marketing Specialist at the University of Minnesota’s Center For Farm Financial Management
Episode 37: Harvest Hacks: Getting the Most Out of the Season (and Beyond)
Hear from a panel of grain and fertilizer marketing experts in Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, and Nebraska, who report on crop conditions and offer helpful harvest hacks.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guests: Ashley Duehn, ADM Fertilizer Territory Manager in Minnesota, Noah Radde, ADM Grain Origination Specialist in Central Indiana, Charlotte Metz, ADM Grain Origination Specialist in Illinois, Justin Katt, ADM Origination Manager in Nebraska
Episode 36: Making the Most of the 2020 Fall Rally
ADM offers contracts to ride a price rally and help you execute your plan—but if you’ve had a yield issue, first estimate your crop insurance payout.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guests: Dave Rosenmeyer, ADM Crop Risk Specialist, Brian Wiggins, ADM Crop Risk Specialist
Episode 35: GrainBridge: Powerfully Simple Grain Marketing Now At Your Fingertips
GrainBridge is a new platform that combines your records with multiple grain buyers. Later upgrades will help you make even more profitable and confident marketing decisions.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guest: Mark Johnson, CEO GrainBridge
Episode 34: In the Driver’s Seat: Play Ball with Sustainable Farming
After harvest, it’s important to ready your soil for the harsh winter and spring months. A marquee group of ag and food companies called Field to Market has created programs across the country to help farmers reduce tillage and plant cover crops to create more residue and healthier soil. Find out more.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guest: Michelle French, Corporate Sustainability Manager, ADM
Episode 33: In the Buddy Seat: Put Your ADM Rep to Work
When farming gets busy, relationships can fall to the wayside. But one collaboration holds real margin potential: the one with your ADM representative. Three simple steps get this person working on your farm’s profitability today.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guest: Jessica Alderson, ADM Territory and Origination Manager, Nebraska
Episode 32: Offers: How to Let Them Work
Offers are a simple tool to market grain at a price you like – without paying attention to markets 24/7. Both soft and firm offers have a place in the game plan. Know how to use them.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guest: Matt Kroes, ADM Grain Origination Specialist, southern Indiana/northern Kentucky
Episode 31: The State of Ag in Disrupted Markets
After three “black swan” events including COVID-19, here’s a market outlook and ways to prepare for potential weather rallies.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guest: Jeff Lloyd, Director of Risk Management, ADM Global Oilseed, Dean Durdan, General Manager of Risk, ADM Carbohydrate Solutions, Todd Harman, Regional Manager for ADM, Hutchinson, Kansas.
Episode 30: Breaking the Stigma Around Mental Health
Stress is part of farming. Learn better ways to manage emotions like anxiety and depression, and find help when you need it.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guest: Jason Medows, Host of the podcast, Ag State of Mind, and a cow-calf producer from Cuba, Missouri
Episode 29: 5 Spring Tips to Get Ahead
With a known price guarantee and a price-friendly window in the grain market, spring is the ideal time to reduce your risk. Learn how some farmers are using seasonal opportunities.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guest: Austin Chester, ADM Grain Origination Specialist in Northwest Indiana
Episode 28: Sustainable Farming: What’s In It For You?
With increasing demand for sustainably sourced foods, find out how conservation practices can pay off for farmers, and how what the supply chain is doing to keep farms healthy and prosperous.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guest: Michelle French, ADM Corporate Sustainability Manager
Episode 27: What Does Fertilizer Really Cost?
Like any global commodity, fertilizer prices fluctuate. Now you can track those prices, jump in when costs are lower, and lock in your needs up to a year out with ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guests: Jake Niederer, Director of ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Troy Eikenberry, Representative, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Dale Jackson, Representative, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Zach Jans, Representative, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Episode 26: Five Tips for a Better 2020 Crop Year
Go for small wins, execute your plan, save on fertilizer, use offers, and resist emotional decisions–all can be huge in their impact.
Hosts: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Shelby Schweitzer, Marketing Manager, ADM
Guests: Matt Bennett, Producer and Market Analyst
Dr. David Kohl, Ag Economist, Virginia Tech University (retired)
Kevin Van Trump, President, Farm Direction
Jake Niederer, Director, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Nathan Brabec, ADM Integration Manager, Nebraska
Episode 25: Use Your Crop Insurance for an Edge in Grain Marketing
As a guarantee against price and yield, crop insurance gives you the confidence to market profitably before harvest.
Host: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Guests: Nathan Brabec, ADM Integration Manager, Nebraska
Steve Maulberger, Vice President, Crop Risk Services
Episode 24: Defeat Your “Squirrel Brain” for Better Grain Marketing
Certain habits of thought can sabotage good decision-making. Here’s how to exert discipline and get better results in the market.
Host: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Guest: Nathan Brabec, ADM Integration Manager, Nebraska
Episode 23: GrainBridge — What to Expect and Why You Should Care
New platform will show local cash bids and account information, soon let farmers sell grain online 24/7, and calculate real-time profitability for better decisions.
Host: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Guest: Faith Larson, Chief Strategy Officer, GrainBridge
Episode 22: Preserve Quality in Your Harvest Grain
There are forecasts for a wet 2019 harvest. Here are tips on drying and storing grain in those conditions.
Host: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Guests: Jordan Pollock and Jay Ramsey, Specialists with the ADM Process Optimization Group
Episode 21: How to Reduce Your Fertilizer Costs
ADM streamlines procurement from the mine and passes the savings along to you.
Host: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Guests: Jake Niederer, Director of ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer; Brian Flaska, Fertilizer and Procurement Sales Manager, ADM
Episode 20: Old and New Crop Marketing 101
As harvest approaches, take action before time runs out on better market opportunities.
Host: Doug Roose, VP of Producer Marketing, ADM
Guest: Paul Scheetz, ADM Commercial Manager, Des Moines, IA
Episode 19: Being Bankable to Your Lender
There are things you can control to be a good lending risk: understanding your financial condition, having a marketing plan, and actively reducing costs.
Curt Covington, Chief Lending Officer, Farmer Mac
Episode 18: The Rise of Women in Farming
Maria Cox, Illinois Grain and Livestock Producer
Episode 17: Next-Gen Producers Are Optimistic
Brett Heineman, Iowa Producer
Scott Henry, Iowa Producer
Brad Walk, Illinois Producer
Episode 16: Decision Time: Understanding Late Plant Issues
Plant or consider other alternatives for wet fields? Experts weigh in.
Kevin Van Trump, Market Analyst and Author of The Van Trump Report
Blake Martin, Claims Audit Manager, Crop Risk Services (CRS)
Ross Bareksten, Economic Research Analyst, ADM Economic Research
Jake Niederer, Director, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Episode 15: Decision Time: The Market Impact of Tariffs and Weather
This is a 100-year event. Hear analysis of the markets and how to prepare.
Kevin Van Trump, Market Analyst and Author of The Van Trump Report
Blake Martin, Claims Audit Manager, Crop Risk Services (CRS)
Ross Bareksten, Economic Research Analyst, ADM Economic Research
Jake Niederer, Director, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Episode 14: How to Farm with a Higher Business IQ
Some call today’s challenging farm economy the “winter of agriculture.” Those who improve 5% in many areas will live to see the “spring of agriculture.”
Dr. David Kohl, Professor Emeritus, Virginia Tech University Department of Agriculture
Episode 13: Work the 2019 Grain Markets
Opportunities to make a profit on corn and soybeans will take disciplined, strategic marketing.
Bryce Knorr, Senior Market Analyst, Farm Futures
Justin Newman, ADM Integration Manager, Southern Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio
Episode 12: Matt Bennett on Grain Marketing: Keep Your Head
Learn the price levels that work for your farm—and stick to them.
Matt Bennett, producer in Windsor, IL
Episode 11: “News-Proof” Your Grain Marketing
With China trade and other news unsettled, take steps to improve farm stability.
Doug Roose, Vice President of Producer Marketing at ADM
Roger Bernard, Senior Policy Analyst at Informa Economics IEG
Episode 10: Control Your Odds
Widen your margins by making fertilizer purchases and grain marketing plans at the same time.
Doug Roose, Vice President of Producer Marketing at ADM
Jake Niederer, Director of Sales, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer
Episode 9: Make 2019 Work
With trade wars still playing out, the new year needs more discipline than ever.
Becca Burns, Product Line Marketing Manager for ADM
Paul Scheetz, Manager of the ADM corn and soybean plants in Iowa
Episode 8: Save Big on Fertilizer Costs
Bulk fertilizer purchases from ADM can save, on average, $10 an acre.
Ashley Duehn, Territory Manager, Fertilizer, in Northern Minnesota
Dale Jackson, Territory Manager, Fertilizer, in Central Illinois
Episode 7: Harvest Contracts
Get cash now and capture potential market rallies.
Dave Rosenmeyer, Integration Manager in the north central Midwest
Episode 6: Smarter Buys in Fertilizer
Lock in prices and buy in bulk for control of a big expense.
Noah Binkley, Territory Origination & Sales Manager for ADM, So. IL, KY
Zach Jans, Territory Origination & Sales Manager for ADM, So. MN, Northeast IA, WI
Episode 5: Evaluate Your Grain Marketing Honestly
Apply wins, losses, and opportunities to start fresh, or improve performance.
Miranda Wamsley, Origination Manager for ADM, E. Central IL
Jason Depenbrock, Origination Manager for ADM, No. IL
Episode 4: Adjust Your Grain Marketing with Discipline
Flexibility means changing your method, not your objective.
Jim Sibbel, Integration Manager for ADM, Northwest
Dale Jackson, Territory Origination & Sales Manager for ADM, Central IL
Episode 3: Execute Your Grain Marketing Objectively
Once you know price targets, some smart tools and contracts can capture them.
Danny Pfoff, Grain Originator for ADM, Central IL
Justin Newman, Integration Manager for ADM, Southern IL, IN, OH
Episode 2: Plan Your Grain Marketing Simply
Connect the risk and revenue dots and come out with a strategy.
Pat Kroese, Vice President, GrainBridge
Nate Brabec, Integration Manager (Western Region) for ADM
Episode 1: Four Grain Marketing Principles
Why you need to plan, execute, adjust and evaluate your decisions.
Doug Roose, Director of ADM Producer Origination
Nate Brabec, Integration Manager (Western Region) for ADM