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Related News: Three Families. One Farm. Many Opportunities.

Three Families. One Farm. Many Opportunities.

To support multiple families, farming operations often need to diversify their income stream with different lines of business. One farm in central Illinois is a standout example of this business strategy, and they share their thoughts on the range of benefits it brings their family. Watch Video and See Full Story

Top 5 Steps to Successfully Analyze Farm Performance

Measurement is the key to performance evaluation, and targeted benchmarks will provide a built-in pathway to knowing whether you’re meeting, exceeding, or falling short of your goals. So, what are the main ways to successfully analyze farm performance? Consider these top-five steps: 1) Establish and track profit per acre and/or breakeven production Among the key…

Will Sliding Corn and Soybean Prices Reverse Course?

Both corn and soybean prices show signs of change, with pressure to trend lower, but, strong animal feed and renewable fuel demand might bring some relief. If so, when? In addition to trying to time portions of your expected 2024 corn and soybean crop sales throughout the year to possibly hit top markets, also consider…

Top 5 Crop-Input Purchase Strategies and 2024 Fertilizer Outlook

No matter the year, crop-input cost decisions will play a huge role in determining your profit outcomes. To help you succeed in your plans for next year’s crop, consider our top 5 input-purchase strategies: #1 Pair Grain Sales with Fertilizer Purchases Plan to formulate a crop marketing strategy that pairs grain sales with your costliest…

More Than Grain Contracts: 5 More Ways to Use

Let’s face it. No matter what season it is, your farm operation will always demand more from your day than there are hours to do it. Knowing the value of your time—and the tasks competing for it, we’ve designed to help you get the information you want…and back on your way. When you think of the Advantage…

This Farm’s Winning Record Relies on a Committed Team

Running a modern farming operation is no easy task. To meet the operational and business demands of production agriculture, central Illinois producer Susie Harbaugh invests in technology, and she relies on a close-knit team on and off the farm. The latest episode of the ADM video series Faces of Food features Susie, who farms commercial…

Capture Opportunities When They Happen With Revenue Net Insurance

Crop insurance is a great tool to protect farm revenue and allows you to forward market bushels with confidence. But it does have limitations, especially where the price guarantee is concerned. The spring price for crop insurance policies is established in February. If prices are good at that time, then you’re likely guaranteed a profitable…

New Apps to Manage Your ADM Account

The ability to quickly access important business information is vital for producers today. ADM is pleased to introduce two new apps that make it easy for customers to log into their ADM account – ADM FarmView and FBN®. With these two choices, producers can gain 24/7 visibility to their ADM business activities from the convenience…

Producers Show Well at Farm Progress Show

The Decatur weather could not have been more perfect for this year’s Farm Progress Show which ran August 29-31. Pleasant conditions and beautiful blue skies seemed to put attendees in a relaxed and upbeat mood. And, judging by attendance in the ADM tent, many producers were interested in learning more about how ADM’s product and…

Second Year of ADM re:generations™ Brings Additional Incentives and Choices

Regenerative ag programs, also known as carbon initiatives or Climate-Smart programs, have taken hold across agriculture and are offered by a number of companies. ADM launched our own initiative under the name re:generations™ a year ago. We sought to make our programs different from others by rewarding existing conservation practices, simplifying data collection requirements, and…