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Related News: Top 5 Steps to Successfully Analyze Farm Performance

Top 5 Steps to Successfully Analyze Farm Performance

Measurement is the key to performance evaluation, and targeted benchmarks will provide a built-in pathway to knowing whether you’re meeting, exceeding, or falling short of your goals. So, what are the main ways to successfully analyze farm performance? Consider these top-five steps: 1) Establish and track profit per acre and/or breakeven production Among the key…

Top 5 Crop-Input Purchase Strategies and 2024 Fertilizer Outlook

No matter the year, crop-input cost decisions will play a huge role in determining your profit outcomes. To help you succeed in your plans for next year’s crop, consider our top 5 input-purchase strategies: #1 Pair Grain Sales with Fertilizer Purchases Plan to formulate a crop marketing strategy that pairs grain sales with your costliest…

More Than Grain Contracts: 5 More Ways to Use

Let’s face it. No matter what season it is, your farm operation will always demand more from your day than there are hours to do it. Knowing the value of your time—and the tasks competing for it, we’ve designed to help you get the information you want…and back on your way. When you think of the Advantage…

New Apps to Manage Your ADM Account

The ability to quickly access important business information is vital for producers today. ADM is pleased to introduce two new apps that make it easy for customers to log into their ADM account – ADM FarmView and FBN®. With these two choices, producers can gain 24/7 visibility to their ADM business activities from the convenience…

The 4-Hs of Harvest

South Dakota-based Grain Origination Specialist Kallie Schade reflects on the highs and lows of harvest.

Preserve Quality in Your Harvest Grain

There are forecasts for a cooler and wetter-than-normal harvest across the U.S., posing a new round of challenges for producers. You’ve brought your crop this far; don’t risk it getting discounted for quality issues. What can you do to prepare your bins for new grain, keep it dry, and preserve its quality through delivery? We…

Why Forward Market?

There’s a reason more farmers are selling portions of their new crop while it’s still in the field—or even before planting. Historical trends in the market make a good case for forward-selling. “Harvest is when the market has ample supplies of grain,” says ADM Grain Originator Cody Dust. “A farmer’s average price selling across the…

Grain Marketing Methods: A Guide from ADM

In the past, farmers had fewer choices. Now, there are dozens of grain marketing methods to work toward more profitable prices for your crops. Here, we’ve defined each category and their pros and cons. Every farm and producer is unique. Combine the methods you’re comfortable with into a customized plan. Manage your risk by starting…

How to Farm with a Higher Business IQ

During the “commodity super-cycle” between 2007 and 2012, it wasn’t unusual for net farm income to top $125,000. But statistics show median farm income around $35,000 in 2017. Some would say we’re in a “winter of agriculture”—meaning a tougher challenge for some operations. But noted ag economist Dr. David Kohl says there are many new…

Market Your New Crop Around Price Targets

By now, you know your 2018 input costs, and have price targets for your corn and soybeans. But can you realistically capture them in these markets? Yes, say two guests on Episode 3 of In the Driver’s Seat, our grain marketing podcast. ADM reps Danny Pfoff and Justin Newman share how they’ve helped farmers capitalize on…