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Related News: Making the Most of the 2020 Fall Rally

Play Ball with Sustainable Farming

The spring rains come and gullywashers cut channels in your fields down to the subsoil. The run-off can carry away precious topsoil and standing water can harm the crop. Wet springs tend to happen more regularly in U.S. farm fields. That’s why now is a perfect time to do something before next spring arrives. In…

Offers: How to Let Them Work

When it comes to keeping your farm’s balance sheet in the black, using offers with the help of your ADM representative is a proven way to achieve your grain marketing goals. Using offers is a disciplined, incremental way for moving grain and working toward a profit, rather than trying to top the market in a…

The State of Ag in Disrupted Markets

When you look at soybeans, wheat, and corn right now–the grain complex–professional marketers say things will get better, they just don’t know when. So, the challenge is getting through the interim. Even with the disruptions (most recently from COVID-19), you can take steps to control your risk. A disciplined approach will position you for opportunities…

Breaking the Stigma Around Mental Health

It’s no secret that farming is a stressful occupation – no matter how noble it is. With growing stress around economics, a multitude of daily tasks, and now a global pandemic, mental health has become a bigger conversation – or it should be. Feelings are easy to push down or out of the way because…

ADM Update: Illinois River Upgrades

Locks and dams along the Illinois River have been in operation for over 50 years and need occasional repair. Unlike previous river upgrades scheduled during the winter months, this year there will be major work on Illinois lock and dam structures beginning in July 2020. The following video interview from the Farm Progress Show dives…

The 7 Best Ag Podcasts to Listen to through Planting Season

As we enter planting season and deal with a storm of daily news, you may be looking for alternative content –especially helpful resources or uplifting stories. We want to help direct you to those sources. We surveyed our employees and compiled a list of the best podcasts to listen to during the planting season and…

5 Spring Tips to Get Ahead

There’s some comfort in routine right now. For producers, there’s another crop to plant, harvest, and distribute – and it all starts right now. One thing that’s not routine, though, is making a profit. Challenging markets continue, and that calls for careful planning once again. Regardless of circumstances, here are five basic actions within your…