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Related News: Ag Chatter (Part 2): What Does that Market Phrase Really Mean?

Conduct a SWOT Analysis to Chart a Direction for Your Farm Business

Farming may be a way of life, but it’s also a business. Big business in many cases. Strategic planning plays a role in moving a business forward, and a SWOT analysis can be an important – and even fun – part of the planning process. S-W-O-T is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.…

The 4-Hs of Harvest

South Dakota-based Grain Origination Specialist Kallie Schade reflects on the highs and lows of harvest.

The Rise of Women in Agriculture: Planting Their Own Paths

More women are climbing into tractors, applying fertilizer, selling grain, and making important business decisions for their operations. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the number of female producers increased by 27% from 2012 to 2017, to 1.2 million female farmers working 388 million acres and making almost $150 billion in sales.

Meet ADM’s 2021 Summer Interns

Every summer, ADM Farmer Services welcomes interns from multiple regions to learn about key areas of agriculture and to work alongside ADM representatives. This year, twelve college students are being immersed into ADM’s culture, services, products, and the numerous ways ADM helps farmers run their operations. While each experience will vary by local office, ADM’s…