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Related News: Take Control of Your 2019 Grain Marketing

Take Control of Your 2019 Grain Marketing

A record harvest along with lingering trade uncertainty have weighed on markets. But as you continue to farm, there’s one thing you have to fall back on: discipline—doing the right things, step by step. It’s not too early to estimate 2019 acreage and yield, then sketch out a preliminary grain marketing plan. By planning now,…

How to Evaluate Your 2018 Grain Marketing

With harvest underway, hopefully your 2018 grain marketing plan is still in place, guiding you on whether to sell or store the extra bushels in this large harvest. Successful businesses continually review their wins and losses so they can move forward with a better plan. We take up the challenge of evaluating your grain marketing…

Save Big on Major Input Costs

In this farm economy, you’re looking to reduce costs on anything you can. With fertilizer making up one-third of your input costs for corn and soybeans, this is a great place to start. Locking in a good price when fertilizer markets move lower– plus buying –can help you reap dramatic savings. You also gain control…

Canola Harvest Logistics

When planning the crops to incorporate in your rotation, you don’t want to put something in the ground that you don’t know how to get out. Knowing some of the logistics of harvesting a crop before planting it can help you better plan your operation. As a winter crop, canola is typically harvested in late…

How is Canola Marketed?

Having an idea of how canola is marketed is important before you put a crop in the ground. ADM understands that farmers want to know how the cash price is calculated, what forces are affecting the market, and how to put together a forward-thinking marketing plan. Unlike corn and soybeans, canola futures are traded on…

Preparing to Plant Canola: Choosing the Best Environment

The soil conditions in the Mid South are well suited for growing winter canola, but it is still important to make an educated decision about the best planting environment. Like wheat, canola performs best in fields that are well drained. Since canola is often used in place of winter wheat in a rotation, it can…

Preparing to Plant Canola: Seed Selection

If you’ve been following the ADM Mid South Canola Communications, you know the facts: canola is a great source of diversified revenue for your farm, it is excellent for soil health, and works well in a rotation in place of wheat. Now, it’s time to buy your seed. ADM Mid South is happy to connect…

Preparing to Plant Canola: Spraying History

When you put a crop in the ground, you want to know that you are giving it the best chance to succeed. With ADM, your canola success story begins before planting, when we help connect you to seed resources and make a plan for the growing season. But before looking forward, it is important to…

Agronomic Benefits of Canola

Due to its favorable location and climate, the Mid South allows a variety of crops to thrive, and canola is no exception. When incorporated into a rotation cycle, canola fulfills the traditional benefits of crop rotation, while also bringing unique benefits to the land that lasts long after harvest. Planting canola helps break pest and…