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More Than Grain Contracts: 5 More Ways to Use

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Let’s face it. No matter what season it is, your farm operation will always demand more from your day than there are hours to do it. Knowing the value of your time—and the tasks competing for it, we’ve designed to help you get the information you want…and back on your way.

When you think of the Advantage website, you might associate it primarily with ADM’s grain contracts. But providing details about those contracts is just one of the ways it serves producers. There’s a lot more to discover, and a few minutes is enough time to get acquainted with five popular features.

1. ADM re:generations™ Program

Explore ADM’s re:generations program and learn about how you can be paid for cover crops. While everyone can benefit from reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved water quality, soil health, and biodiversity, ADM now offers more immediate rewards to those who are helping make it a reality. The re:generations program provides financial and technical support to producers who begin or continue regenerative ag practices.

Related content: Check out Clark Coleman’s experience with cover crops and see why he says, “If I had to go back to conventional ways of farming, I wouldn’t do it.”

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2. ADM Fertilizer Customer Portal

Visit the ADM Fertilizer customer portal to see current fertilizer prices, get quotes, lock in favorable pricing, and more—any day and time that works for you. Available to everyone, the portal adds to producers’ self-serve options and can play an important role in keeping operation costs down. It takes only a few minutes to log in and start browsing a full range of products including starter fertilizer, fertilizer alternatives (such as a soil microbe biostimulant), sulfur, nitrogen, and other traditional macro- and micro-nutrients.

Related content: If you haven’t tried the free ADM Fertilizer Calculator, find out how in this article and podcast episode.

woman looking at some large farm machinery

3. Faces of Food Series

Watch our Faces of Food video series to see the stories of hard-working producers and the challenges they’ve overcome. No hype, no drama, just the hard—and often rewarding—reality of running a farm operation. Whether it’s dealing with the stresses of a blizzard in planting season, or finding the support of a local community after an unexpected life change, Faces of Food is shining a light on farmers’ stories.

men smiling at the camera

4. Shift Online Course

Shift (Successful Habits in Farming Today) is a self-paced, online course designed to help you navigate the grain market and build a strategy toward greater profit. The course includes six lessons, or learning gears, that feature ag industry professionals covering farm business management principles. It’s free, it’s interactive, and it’s fun.

two men walking toward the camera

5. Text Alerts

Stay up to date with ADM information by signing up to receive text alerts. Available to all U.S. and Canadian producers, you can set your own communication preferences to receive messages on things like commodity prices, bids, offers, and facility updates at the ADM locations of your choosing.

man looking at his phone

Even with the growing number of ways producers can use to access vital information and tools to help run their operations, we know a website is still just a website. For everything else that can’t be done on a computer, reach out to your ADM representative. We’re good listeners and eager helpers.

ADM is providing this communication for informational purposes, and it is not a solicitation or offer to purchase or sell commodities. The sources for the information in this communication are believed to be reliable, but ADM does not warrant the accuracy of the information. The information in this communication is subject to change without notice. If applicable, any information and/or recommendations in this communication do not take into account any particular individual’s or company’s objectives or needs, which should be considered before engaging in any commodity transactions based on these recommendations. ADM or its affiliates may hold or take positions for their own accounts that are different from the positions recommended in this communication.