While most of the hard work at harvest takes place in the field, there are other steps you can take to make life easier off the field and avoid administrative snafus from getting in the way of moving your crop to market quickly and easily. Here are a few things you can do to ensure…
Still trying to decide what crop insurance setup to choose before the March 15 deadline? Below are some helpful tips to consider when deciding on your 2024 crop insurance. According to ADM Director of Alternative Revenue Brian Wiggins, there weren’t many changes to core policies relevant to row crop farmers. However, there were some changes…
Measurement is the key to performance evaluation, and targeted benchmarks will provide a built-in pathway to knowing whether you’re meeting, exceeding, or falling short of your goals. So, what are the main ways to successfully analyze farm performance? Consider these top-five steps: 1) Establish and track profit per acre and/or breakeven production Among the key…
Let’s face it. No matter what season it is, your farm operation will always demand more from your day than there are hours to do it. Knowing the value of your time—and the tasks competing for it, we’ve designed ADMadvantage.com to help you get the information you want…and back on your way. When you think of the Advantage…
Crop insurance is a great tool to protect farm revenue and allows you to forward market bushels with confidence. But it does have limitations, especially where the price guarantee is concerned. The spring price for crop insurance policies is established in February. If prices are good at that time, then you’re likely guaranteed a profitable…
The ability to quickly access important business information is vital for producers today. ADM is pleased to introduce two new apps that make it easy for customers to log into their ADM account – ADM FarmView and FBN®. With these two choices, producers can gain 24/7 visibility to their ADM business activities from the convenience…
With the turn of the calendar, we’re off to a new year and working toward new goals. Coming into 2023, crop prices are historically strong, but input prices remain elevated as well. Each year sets up differently as far as a profitable grain marketing plan is concerned. That’s why now is a good time to…
You’ve probably heard of renewable diesel, but what you may not know is how it could potentially influence the soybean market in the future. Demand is booming for this alternative fuel, and its effects are being felt across the markets for soybeans and soy products. Renewable diesel is fundamentally different from biodiesel, which has been…
As planters take to the fields across the northern hemisphere, soybean prices remain elevated on a historical basis (Chart 1) despite projections for an increase in planted acres. This creates opportunities for producers to forward price this year’s crop at profitable levels. Chart 1 – 10-year nearby soybean price Source: https://www.macrotrends.net/2531/soybean-prices-historical-chart-data But when to sell?…
Following two strong seasons for corn, soybean and wheat prices, marketers are looking nervously ahead to the 2023 season due to recent market turns. Prices have been high and traditionally this has led to increased production. But there’s uncertainty whether prices will remain elevated or begin to slide based on increasing global supplies. Either way,…