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Related News: Price Accumulator

Will Sliding Corn and Soybean Prices Reverse Course?

Both corn and soybean prices show signs of change, with pressure to trend lower, but, strong animal feed and renewable fuel demand might bring some relief. If so, when? In addition to trying to time portions of your expected 2024 corn and soybean crop sales throughout the year to possibly hit top markets, also consider…

5 Spring Tips to Get Ahead

There’s some comfort in routine right now. For producers, there’s another crop to plant, harvest, and distribute – and it all starts right now. One thing that’s not routine, though, is making a profit. Challenging markets continue, and that calls for careful planning once again. Regardless of circumstances, here are five basic actions within your…

Shutting Off Your Squirrel Brain Before It Drives You Nuts

When conditions are tough, it’s natural for lower order thinking and survival instincts to kick in—like the brain of a squirrel in survival mode. Economists call these habits “heuristics”—bad habits that take over and sabotage good decision-making. Our latest podcast aims to help you understand and resist your “squirrel brain.” Doug Roose, V.P. of Producer…