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Displaying 50 results for "Cash Bids"


ADM Update: Illinois River Upgrades

Locks and dams along the Illinois River have been in operation for over 50 years and need occasional repair. Unlike previous river upgrades scheduled during the winter months, this year there will be major work on Illinois lock and dam structures beginning in July 2020. The following video interview from the Farm Progress Show dives…

More Than Grain Contracts: 5 More Ways to Use

Let’s face it. No matter what season it is, your farm operation will always demand more from your day than there are hours to do it. Knowing the value of your time—and the tasks competing for it, we’ve designed to help you get the information you want…and back on your way. When you think of the Advantage…

Plan Before You Plant: Spring Markets Won’t Wait

You’ve purchased inputs, your fuel tanks are full, and you’re ready to roll. In just days, you’ll be planting. But have you really prepared for a new crop year? Not without a marketing plan. A few hours of planning now will pay off later—maybe a lot. To help in the next crucial days, here are…

Prepare for Typically Better Market Months

It’s hard to believe another harvest is nearly in the books, Thanksgiving’s upon us, and winter is around the corner. If you aren’t already, you’ll soon be planning inputs for your 2018 crop. In this farm economy, spending can be stressful. A few forward marketing moves now can reduce the anxiety of new-crop expenses as…

Plan Before You Plant: Spring Markets Won’t Wait

You’ve purchased inputs, your fuel tanks are full, and you’re ready to roll. In just days, you’ll be planting. But have you really prepared for a new crop year? Not without a marketing plan. A few hours of planning now will pay off later—maybe a lot. To help in the next crucial days, here are…

Matt Bennett on Grain Marketing: Keep Your Head

When markets are bordering your break-even, it’s encouraging to hear from producers who are making it work. One straight-shooter on the speaking circuit is Matt Bennett. He grows corn and soybeans on a 3,000-acre farm in Illinois. For Bennett, it all comes down to staying focused and preparing for unforeseen opportunities. “We’re all under stress…

Five Ways to Work the 2019 Grain Markets

The market is carefully watching news about corn and soybean acreage, planting delays from flooding, and trade news. Any one factor could quickly change price direction—or not. You need to be ready for both scenarios. Bryce Knorr, respected grain market analyst with Farm Futures magazine, believes that 2019 will hold opportunities to make a profit…

How to Farm with a Higher Business IQ

During the “commodity super-cycle” between 2007 and 2012, it wasn’t unusual for net farm income to top $125,000. But statistics show median farm income around $35,000 in 2017. Some would say we’re in a “winter of agriculture”—meaning a tougher challenge for some operations. But noted ag economist Dr. David Kohl says there are many new…

Double Duty: Marketing Your Old and New Crop

It’s mid-way through the growing season, with harvest around the corner. If you still have some bin bushels to clear out, you face marketing decisions on two crops—old and new. That’s a lot of risk to manage at one time. While you shouldn’t make pressured decisions, be aware that time may be running out for…
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