With the largest network of logistical resources in the industry, ADM connects harvest to the home in over 75 countries, gathering market intelligence from trading millions of tons of Co-products annually. Take advantage of our global network, as well as our global and local market knowledge. Our vast portfolio provides a wide range of products to fit your specific ration needs at competitive prices.
- Global nutrition leader with world-wide network of industry experts.
- Unmatched processing capabilities as the world’s largest corn processor.
- Vast ingredient portfolio and unparalleled global footprint.
Bulk Feed Products
Corn Protein Meal
Corn protein meal is a dry feed ingredient made from the protein remaining after the removal of starch, germ, and bran from corn. This provides an energy level second only to that of fats and oils and is an excellent energy source for cattle, swine, poultry, pets, and fish.

Download Corn Protein Meal Specifications PDF
Corn Germ Meal
Corn germ meal is an excellent source of protein and fiber for cattle, swine, poultry, pets and other animals providing a good balance of amino acids and essential nutrients.

Download Corn Germ Meal Specifications PDF
Feed Ingredients Catalog

ADM Feed Ingredients Catalog PDF
Corn Protein Feed Pellets
Rich in protein, these pellets are primarily used as cattle, swine and poultry feed. Corn protein feed pellets provides a high-energy, low-fat food source that is highly digestible and rich in crucial amino acids.

Download Corn Protein Feed Pellets–16% Protein PDF
Download Corn Protein Feed Pellets–18% Protein PDF
Wet Corn Protein Feed
ADM’s proprietary wet feed ingredient, Golden Gluten™, provides an excellent source of protein, energy, fiber and minerals for both beef and dairy cattle. Recent research indicates that use of Golden Gluten™ increases ration dry matter intake, increases average daily gains and reduces acidosis, with feed efficiency values comparable to corn when fed to feedlot cattle.

Download Golden Gluten Specifications PDF
Wheat Middlings
Wheat middlings (midds) are often used in livestock feed, providing animals a good source for protein and energy. Midds consist of fine particles of wheat bran, wheat shorts, wheat germ, wheat flour, and some of the offal from the tail of the mill. Available as loose meal or in pellet form, midds are produced as a result of the wheat milling process.

Download Wheat Middlings Specifications PDF