Two producers smiling at the camera

Those Who Care for the Land

Welcome to Faces of Food, an ongoing video series featuring authentic stories of producers and their crucial role in the food supply chain, brought to you by ADM.

Since 2022, we’ve traveled throughout the heartland to capture inspiring producer stories. These films shed light on the hard-working individuals who help feed the world. 

Each episode features a different farm family, their challenges, and their unique approach to growth, innovation, and success.

By amplifying producer voices, Faces of Food offers viewers a compelling look into the hard work and passion producers have for growing crops, raising livestock, and conserving land for future generations.

Season 4: Diverse Crops, Diverse Perspectives

Meet three producers from Georgia, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle who raise everything from livestock to peanuts to sweet corn, proving that farming roots run deep in many communities well beyond the traditional heartland of the United States.

Producer and ADM Rep, Emmanuel Bankston

Episode 3: A Personal Approach to Understanding Regenerative Ag Benefits

This Climate-Smart Manager for ADM works closely with producers to help them benefit from regenerative ag programs and incentives. His firsthand knowledge of what works comes in part from what he learns on his own farm.

Producer, Donald Chase

Episode 2: Speaking to the Consumer

Georgia producer Donald Chase believes opportunities are missed because consumers aren’t as informed about what’s going on at the farm as they should be. And he connects with them in a unique way – through his sweet corn stand.

Producer, Howard Hodge

Episode 1: Full-time Farming with a Full-time Job

Sometimes a job off the farm is needed to stay on the farm. Other times, including for this producer in Northern Florida, it’s just for the love of farming.

Season 3: The Next Generation

Three farms. Three families. Three intimate portraits highlighting the challenges of preserving land, soil, and prosperity for the next generation of American farmers.

three men smiling at the camera

Episode 3: Farm Transitions, Difficult Decisions

Most farm families want to see their land transition to the next generation, continuing a legacy that’s often decades long. It’s only rational. But getting there is also often emotional.

two producers in conversation

Episode 2: A Deeply Rooted Legacy

Family farms are the lifeblood of American agriculture, and each new generation must find their own way to lead the operation into an uncertain future. This story relates the very different life experiences of father and son, and how they make their transition work.

two producers looking at a computer screen

Episode 1: Conservation Warriors

Jeff, Derek and Doug Martin are big believers in the power of healthy soils to deliver prosperous crops. Utilizing unconventional farming methods, they’ve brought their operation to the forefront of regenerative farming and received multiple benefits.

Season 2: The Business of Farming

Farming is serious business. See how producers in central Illinois rely on innovation and team work to address an array of challenges they face in trying to preserve their legacies.

three men posing with a sign that says

Episode 2: Entrepreneurial Spirit

To support multiple families, farming operations often need to diversify their income stream with different lines of business. One farm in central Illinois is a standout example of this business strategy, and they share their thoughts on the range of benefits it brings their family.

a woman and man laughing together

Episode 1: It Takes a Team

Running a modern farming operation is no easy task. To meet the operational and business demands of production agriculture, central Illinois farmer Susie Harbaugh invests in technology, and she relies on a close-knit team on and off the farm. In this story, Susie shares her optimism for what’s ahead and expresses her confidence in the next generation to build upon her family’s legacy.

Season 1: Embracing the Challenge

Mother nature, fate, or geography can make life difficult for producers. But family, community, and old-fashioned perseverance make it easier to embrace the challenges that come with feeding the world.

man with sunglasses on his head

Episode 3: Gateway to the World

Located two hours south of some of the world’s best soil, Habbe Farms isn’t blessed with such productive ground. But its location near river terminals in St. Louis helps deliver a premium price for grain and a cheaper price for fertilizer. R.H. Habbe IV, featured in this episode, is always looking for ways to be more efficient, while using techniques to protect his erodible land.

Farmer portrait

Episode 2: Lifeblood of Rural America

Those who farm say the lifestyle is in their blood. Maybe that’s why so many American farms have been operated by the same family for generations. These deep roots anchor their local communities. In turn, those communities support their farmers. This inspirational story of the Beckmans from Pender, Nebraska, shows the power of small-town bonds.

two farmers talking to each other

Episode 1: Spring Blizzard

Farming can be a difficult and sometimes dangerous way to make a living. And when an unexpected blizzard strikes during planting season, it can be downright harrowing. This episode features the D.J. Coleman Farm of Baldwin, North Dakota. The farm’s co-owner, Clark Coleman, says an April blizzard made for the most challenging week of cattle ranching he’s ever seen.

gallery of Faces of Food farmers

Share a Story

The ADM team interacts with farmers daily. But not everyone is so fortunate. That’s why we created Faces of Food. We encourage everyone to share these stories to help build a better understanding and appreciation of life on the farm.