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Related News: Helping Farmers Process Timely Decisions on Late Planting and Markets

Helping Farmers Process Timely Decisions on Late Planting and Markets

Some veterans in the ag industry are calling this spring a “100-year event.” Never in history has there been a year quite like this one. To complicate matters, the U.S.-China trade talks continue to struggle and tariffs have escalated once more, taking a toll on the markets. This rare triple-whammy (trade, markets, and weather) creates…

Women on the Rise as Farm Managers

Women farm managers are growing in number and rank. According to the most recent U.S. Census of Agriculture, female operators now make up 36% of farmers and work on 56% of all farms. Their role is growing, too. Most make some farm business decisions or manage the finances, and about 38% are the primary decision-maker.…

Why the Optimism of Next-Generation Producers?

Results from the 2017 U.S. Census of Agriculture have been published, and the picture of farming is changing. There are over 321,000 producers under the age of 35, and that ratio is growing as older generations pass on management of their farms. The USDA report says, “Farms with young producers making decisions tend to be…

Matt Bennett on Grain Marketing: Keep Your Head

When markets are bordering your break-even, it’s encouraging to hear from producers who are making it work. One straight-shooter on the speaking circuit is Matt Bennett. He grows corn and soybeans on a 3,000-acre farm in Illinois. For Bennett, it all comes down to staying focused and preparing for unforeseen opportunities. “We’re all under stress…

Four Ways to “News-Proof” Your Grain Marketing

One big question in 2019 is trade:  Will the U.S. and China reach an agreement? Will Congress approve the pact with Canada and Mexico? While export markets are important, there are other market drivers to consider: South American weather, African swine fever, and U.S. corn-soybean acreage swings, to name just a few. Because so much…

Take Control of Your 2019 Grain Marketing

A record harvest along with lingering trade uncertainty have weighed on markets. But as you continue to farm, there’s one thing you have to fall back on: discipline—doing the right things, step by step. It’s not too early to estimate 2019 acreage and yield, then sketch out a preliminary grain marketing plan. By planning now,…

How to Evaluate Your 2018 Grain Marketing

With harvest underway, hopefully your 2018 grain marketing plan is still in place, guiding you on whether to sell or store the extra bushels in this large harvest. Successful businesses continually review their wins and losses so they can move forward with a better plan. We take up the challenge of evaluating your grain marketing…

How to Ride Out a Rocky Market

Corn and soybean markets have been discouraging lately, to say the least. Trade uncertainty, changing world demand, fund positions, and large crop projections have created a crazy environment around commodity prices. It’s natural to fear what’s next and wonder what you can do to keep your operation on sound footing. While we don’t pretend to…

The Secret to Better Grain Marketing

Successful companies start with a basic business plan. Farming is no different. In fact, with the future of your farm on the line, developing a grain marketing plan is one of the most important factors in determining your success. Yet it’s the piece farmers often find most difficult or intimidating. That’s the reason we’ve launched…

In the Driver’s Seat: Four Farm Risk Management Principles

In this farm economy, it’s hard to feel like you have any power over the revenue side of your operation. But now more than ever, it’s crucial to take charge of decisions that drive profitability. So we’re launching a five-part conversation series, “In the Driver’s Seat: Staying in Control of Your Grain Marketing.” We’ll cover…