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Displaying 189 results for "Grain Contracts"


2019 Grain Markets: Planning is Imperative

It was a challenging 2018. The year started with positive news: projections of record soy demand and weather issues in Argentina. But then we had a perfect storm: a trade war, a better-than-expected South American crop, and another huge U.S. harvest. Mid-summer saw a dramatic drop in commodity prices that’s still trying to recover. When…

Grain Marketing Methods: A Guide from ADM

In the past, farmers had fewer choices. Now, there are dozens of grain marketing methods to work toward more profitable prices for your crops. Here, we’ve defined each category and their pros and cons. Every farm and producer is unique. Combine the methods you’re comfortable with into a customized plan. Manage your risk by starting…

5 Spring Tips to Get Ahead

There’s some comfort in routine right now. For producers, there’s another crop to plant, harvest, and distribute – and it all starts right now. One thing that’s not routine, though, is making a profit. Challenging markets continue, and that calls for careful planning once again. Regardless of circumstances, here are five basic actions within your…

Will Sliding Corn and Soybean Prices Reverse Course?

Both corn and soybean prices show signs of change, with pressure to trend lower, but, strong animal feed and renewable fuel demand might bring some relief. If so, when? In addition to trying to time portions of your expected 2024 corn and soybean crop sales throughout the year to possibly hit top markets, also consider…

Soybean Price Seasonality Creates Opportunity

As planters take to the fields across the northern hemisphere, soybean prices remain elevated on a historical basis (Chart 1) despite projections for an increase in planted acres. This creates opportunities for producers to forward price this year’s crop at profitable levels. Chart 1 – 10-year nearby soybean price Source: But when to sell?…
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