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Displaying 189 results for "Grain Contracts"


Women on the Rise as Farm Managers

Women farm managers are growing in number and rank. According to the most recent U.S. Census of Agriculture, female operators now make up 36% of farmers and work on 56% of all farms. Their role is growing, too. Most make some farm business decisions or manage the finances, and about 38% are the primary decision-maker.…

When to Adjust Your Grain Marketing Plan

There’s a fine line between staying flexible in your grain marketing and acting on a hunch. Learn the difference from Dale Jackson and Jim Sibbel, ADM representatives who work with grain producers to navigate challenging markets. In Episode 4 of ADM’s In the Driver’s Seat podcast, Sibbel and Jackson discuss the right reasons to adjust your…

Why the Optimism of Next-Generation Producers?

Results from the 2017 U.S. Census of Agriculture have been published, and the picture of farming is changing. There are over 321,000 producers under the age of 35, and that ratio is growing as older generations pass on management of their farms. The USDA report says, “Farms with young producers making decisions tend to be…

The 4-Hs of Harvest

South Dakota-based Grain Origination Specialist Kallie Schade reflects on the highs and lows of harvest.

Fifth-Generation Southern Illinois Producer Works Smarter to Succeed

Location is everything in real estate, and it certainly plays a significant role in farming as well. Located two hours south of some of the best soil in the world, Habbe Farms of Nashville, Illinois, isn’t blessed with such productive ground. But its location near river terminals in St. Louis helps deliver a premium price…
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