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Displaying 32 results for "Professional Guidance"


Top 5 Crop-Input Purchase Strategies and 2024 Fertilizer Outlook

No matter the year, crop-input cost decisions will play a huge role in determining your profit outcomes. To help you succeed in your plans for next year’s crop, consider our top 5 input-purchase strategies: #1 Pair Grain Sales with Fertilizer Purchases Plan to formulate a crop marketing strategy that pairs grain sales with your costliest…

Resolve to Be Disciplined in Your Grain Marketing Decisions

Welcome to 2017! We hope you’ve had a restful holiday season, and that you’re sticking to your New Year’s resolutions. Did you resolve to be more strategic in your grain marketing? It might be a good one to add to your list. Let’s admit it. Record harvests and supplies have created markets that are less…

Market Your New Crop Around Price Targets

By now, you know your 2018 input costs, and have price targets for your corn and soybeans. But can you realistically capture them in these markets? Yes, say two guests on Episode 3 of In the Driver’s Seat, our grain marketing podcast. ADM reps Danny Pfoff and Justin Newman share how they’ve helped farmers capitalize on…

Take Control of Your 2019 Grain Marketing

A record harvest along with lingering trade uncertainty have weighed on markets. But as you continue to farm, there’s one thing you have to fall back on: discipline—doing the right things, step by step. It’s not too early to estimate 2019 acreage and yield, then sketch out a preliminary grain marketing plan. By planning now,…
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